Problem Solving

A time you were blocked on a simple problem

  1. What was the problem you encountered?
    I encountered a problem while attempting to add a key to an object and assign a value to it. Specifically, I mistakenly added quotation marks to the value, assuming it was a string. However, this resulted in errors in my code.
  2. What problem-solving techniques did you use?
    To tackle this issue, I applied the "rubber-duck" technique for the first time. Verbalizing the problem out loud helped me realize my mistake.
  3. How did you feel throughout the process?
    Throughout the process, I felt bewildered because I knew the problem had to be quite simple, yet I couldn't understand why I was getting errors in my code.
  4. What did you learn from this experience?
    I learned the power of expressing the problem verbally, as it greatly aids in the process of problem-solving. This experience highlighted how talking through the issue helped me identify and rectify my mistake.

A time you elegantly solved a problem

  1. What was the problem?
    The problem at hand was a two-part classic programming exercise that I was assigned to solve. It seemed quite challenging initially.
  2. What problem-solving techniques did you use?
    To tackle this problem, I decided to break it down into smaller parts. Drawing from my previous knowledge and learnings from earlier in the sprint, I used those building blocks to approach and solve each component of the exercise.
  3. How did you feel throughout the process?
    Throughout the process, I must admit that I felt a bit uncertain and somewhat blind because the problem presented new and unfamiliar challenges. However, I was determined to put in the effort and try to solve it on my own.
  4. What did you learn?
    As I applied my knowledge and worked through the first part of the exercise, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my approach worked elegantly. This experience taught me the value of applying one's existing knowledge and skills even when faced with new and unfamiliar challenges. It showed me the importance of perseverance and using what I already knew as a foundation for solving complex problems.

Reflect on how confident you feel using each of these problem-solving techniques/processes:

  1. Pseudocode: I feel fairly confident using pseudocode, but I aim to strike a balance so that it doesn't clutter my code.
  2. Trying something: This is probably my most frequently used technique, and I feel quite confident employing it.
  3. Rubber ducky method: I am very confident using the rubber ducky method as it has proven to be effective for me.
  4. Reading error messages: I am fairly confident in reading error messages, although I acknowledge that becoming more familiar with the specific programming language would be beneficial.
  5. Console.logging: I am fairly confident with console.logging, but I intend to actively incorporate it more frequently in my future coding endeavors.
  6. Googling: I am very confident in my ability to use Google as a resource for problem-solving.
  7. Asking peers for help: If necessary, I feel confident enough to seek assistance from my peers.
  8. Asking coaches for help: I am fairly confident in reaching out to coaches for help, recognizing that there are limitations to relying solely on Google or conversing with an AI like ChatGPT.
  9. Improving my process with reflection: I am very confident in my ability to improve my problem-solving process through reflection. It is something that I naturally tend to do and find valuable.

Reflect on a time you were reluctant to ask for help. Consider what made you reluctant to do so.

During the beginning of the foundations course, I encountered errors while attempting to clone the reflections repository. What made me hesitant to seek assistance was the thought that it might be something I could easily resolve on my own. However, as the issue persisted and became a significant obstacle in my work, I eventually realized the need to reach out for help and support.